This class will cover many topics in science and more specifically entomology including: science process skills, laboratory safety, the history of entomology, arthropods, insects and their relatives, integumetary systems, nervous systems, glandular systems, muscular systems, alimentary systems, excretory systems, circulatory systems, respiration systems, reproduction, embryology, post-embryologic development (life history), sensory mechanisms, insect evolution, systematics, insect classification, and applied entomology.
In this class you will learn basic insect anatomy, physiology, stages of development, and classification. By the end of this class you should be able to sight recognize insects orders and a few key families. You should also be able to understand and discuss basic insect anatomy and physiology.
1-2 Empty Glass Jar with tight sealing lid
notebook paper in a 3-ring binder with pockets (recycled binders available)
Small notebook for collection journal (provided)
Optional Things to bring to class on collection day
30% Collection
10% Collection Journal
20% Tests
10% Quizzes
20% Research Project
10% Blog Assignments
- You will need a total of 40 properly labeled, different adult insect specimens from 12 different orders and 2 properly labeled different immature insect specimens. All of these must be keyed out to their proper order.
- You will need a minimum of
- 3 spread Lepidoptera
- 3 point mounts
- 2 preserved immature specimens in alcohol
More details on the collections will be discussed as the semester moves along.
- Each student will need to have their own journal to record all information about the insects collected in the field and observed in the laboratory (classroom).
- This journal will be spot-checked periodically but must be turned in for grading every 3 weeks.
- As mentioned before, you will have tests that are based on class lectures, guest speakers and field trips. You will not be tested on notes and concepts that are discussed exclusively on collecting trips.
- This grade will be based on an average of your test grades.
- You will also have quizzes based on lectures, guest speakers and field trips.
- This grade will be based on an average of your quiz grades.
- You will need to pick a topic of interest that relates to entomology and write a research paper on this topic: OR
- Rear and insect from egg to adult, observe and record its growth, write a report on your observations and findings.
- Begin thinking of a topic ASAP
Blog Assignments
- Through the semester there will be a variety of assignments that will need to be posted on your blog for this class. The main assignments through this will be study questions to prepare you for tests and various field projects that will be done in conjunction with collection trips.
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