Sunday, August 24, 2008

Week 3 -- Characteristics of the Common Orders of Insects

This week we are going to work in three areas:

Classroom Activities: We will continue to learn more about insect morphology and the characteristics of each of the common orders of insects.

Collecting: Although it's fun and good exercise to go out chasing insects, we are going to learn how to get insects to conveniently come to us through the use of traps.

Research Project: We will choose a research topic this week and begin work on it.

Assignment 1: Make a set of flash cards to help you learn about the common orders of insects.
You will need about 20 index cards (provided). You have a list of the common orders (from the power point presentation last week. Click here to see the power point).

Directions: On one side of the card print the name of the order in large letters.

On the other side of the card write:
The common name(s) of the insects in this order.
A list of characteristics make this order stand out from all other orders.
For now, just fill in the information you already have available. Then, as you finish assignment 2 below, fill in the remaining information.

Assignment 2: Everyone will choose one order of insects on which to make a powerpoint presentation that describes in more detail the taxonomic features displayed by the group. The presentation should contain, but is not limited to the following information.
  • Explain what the name of the order means in latin (e.g. "scale-winged " insects)
  • Common names of the members of the group (e.g. bees, wasps, hornets, ants)
  • General body shape (e.g. long and slender)
  • Wings (present/absent, number, general shape and description)
  • Antennae (present/absent; type)
  • Mouth parts (chewing, sucking biting etc.)
  • Other unique features or structures (e.g. cerci)
  • Type of metamorphosis (complete/incomplete)
  • Interesting facts (e.g. beneficial to man, or a pest)
Use photos to illustrate the characteristics you are talking about. Include photos of the immature stages (larva, pupa, nymph etc.). To help you with recognizing body parts and other structures, especially antennae, first view the powerpoint on insect basics by clicking here. Take notes. For information on mouth parts, click here.

When you are finished with the above assignment, review what you have learned about orders by clicking here.  To study for the quiz on insect orders make flash cards.  Write the name of the order on one side and then write down what the name means, what insects are in the order, and finally write down the characteristics that distinguish each order from all other orders.


Allie said...

Alexis Di Vincenzo
Research paper---> bees

demetriusedwards said...

Dr. Maudsley Ive choose the drangonflies for my project;Demetrius Edwards

Chitara Long said...

Chitara Long, i decided to do dragonflies