Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Research Projecgt

Everyone must complete a major research project for this class this semester. The topic of your paper is up to you, but it must have something to do with insects. I don’t want to assign topics because it is much more interesting to research and learn about something that you are personally interested in. However, it needs to relate to insects since this is an entomology class. I will be more than happy to help anyone select a topic if you are having trouble coming up with one. If this is the case, just stick around after class any day before the topic is due (August 23) and we will come up with something. To get your brains thinking I have listed some ideas to get you thinking.

o A disease or disorder caused or spread by insects

o A specific insect you think is cool

o Insects’ influence on art (visual, written, musical, etc.)

o Insects and fashion

o Insects and crops (good or bad)

o Urban insects

o Insects and crimes

o Insects and your food

o Insects and wars

o Insects and history


  • Complete a laboratory study on an insect or group of insects. I have several reseach topics that may interest you. Here, your final product will be a lab report outlining what you studied, your hypothesis, design of your experimentl, results, and conculsion. Details for writing your report will be provided.
If you choose a specific insect or group of insects that are of special interest to you, include but do not limit yourself to the following information:

  • The insect's taxonomy (Kingdom, Phylum.........) including major morphological characteristics of the insect or group.
  • Examples of the insects or insects in the group (with photographs if available)
  • Distribution in the world. (where found in the world)
  • Habitat (where do they live)
  • Niche (what role it or they play in the community)
  • Type of metamorphosis (describe and/or illustrate the stages of the life cycle)
  • Interaction with man (beneficial? harmful? general influence on man)
  • Interesting facts
A written report is perferred, but if you check with me first, I may allow you to turn the report into a power point. See me first.

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